A Modern Steel Service with Tradition
Welcome to our website! For more than 30 years we have been standing for innovative and sustainable cooperation with our customers and suppliers. In addition to the original products of steel service, cut to size, sheet metal, coil and slit strip, a company has been established which in the meantime has opened up a further international customers in the field of mechanical processing. From plasma-fired blanks to milling, turning, drilling and grinding, we supply ready-to-install parts. From the very beginning our service philosophy has been characterized by a combination of our own warehousing, trade and production. Approximately 3,000 square meters of heated halls and an outdoor area that is almost twice as large, as well as various forwarding warehouses enable us to provide generous production and storage facilities.
We Are Independent and Autonomous
Both INTERSTAHL Service GmbH & Co KG and INTERSTAHL SÜD GmbH are independent companies, but develop their product portfolios and services in close coordination. For example, we give our customers financial flexibility by storing for them and delivering on demand.
Innovation Is Our Motor
Both companies are constantly working on finding further ways to create synergies in order to increase performance and attractiveness for our customers. In addition to a constant expansion of performance in the machine park and in hardware and software, continuous further training of our technical knowledge is a prerequisite. You will find competent contact persons in our staff for all aspects of steel. Every day they work to deliver innovative and sustainable products of the highest quality to our customers in various industries. Our interactive delivery programmme gives all interested visitors a good overview of our delivery possibilities. We do not have all of this in stock, but we do have the manufacturer contacts and can help with the procurement of rare materials, material combinations and dimensions.
Careful use of resources is a matter of course for us. This idea has not only a financial background but also a health aspect. Healthy, attractive jobs and satisfied employees are a basic requirement for a successful company. In our production area, for example, we have an extraction system with heat recovery linked to every machine, for an optimal workplace climate. For us, sustainability also means supporting our customers in the marketing of excess stock. You will find a competent partner in us!
INTERSTAHL Service GmbH was founded on 02.01.1990 by its present managing director Thomas Grosch. In the meantime we can look back on 30 years of successful development. The support of our customers has always been and remains our main focus. Today the markets are changing rapidly. This continuous challenge is a constant incentive to find adequate solutions for constantly new requirements. A prerequisite for being a competent partner in all steel-related issues is also the continuous upgrading of our technical expertise, which we take very seriously. Throughout all changes, cooperation with our partners that is characterized by fairness, trust and humanity is an important goal for us. We know what we can do and we do it!
Our History
1990 INTERSTAHL Service GmbH in Wetter (Ruhr) wird gegründet
Ursprüngliches Geschäftsfeld: Stahlhandel
Zum Lieferprogramm gehörten Feinbleche kaltgewalzt, warmgewalzt gebeizt, Brennzuschnitte und Scherenzuschnitte.
Einige der Güten nach aktueller Bezeichnung lauten:
DC01, DC03, DC04, DD11, DD12, DD13, S235, S355.
Kurz nach der Gründung konnten wir bereits ein erstes Außenlager einrichten.
1994 Umzug an die heutige Adresse und Erweiterung des Lieferprogramms
Das Lagerprogramm umfasst jetzt zusätzlich Coils und verzinkte Bleche in den heutigen Güten
DX51, DX52, DX53.
1998 Seit diesem Jahr liefern wir auch Edelstahl
Edelstahl Quartobleche in den Werkstoff Nummern
1.4301, 1.4307, 1.4401, 1.4404, 1.4435, 1.4462, 1.4541,1.4571, 1.4828, 1.4841, 1.4878
ergänzen ab nun unser Lagerprogramm.
2001 Gründung der INTERSTAHL SÜD Vertriebs GmbH in Donzdorf
Geschäftsführer dort wird Markus Werner. Das Lieferprogramm erweitert sich erneut. Dazu gehören jetzt die Baustähle, Qualitätsstähle, Druckbehälterstähle, Vergütungsstähle, Einsatzstähle, hochfeste Stähle und Sonderstähle. Es entstehen ein weiteres Außenlager und mehrere Konsignationsläger.
2010 Kauf eines 6500 qm Grundstücks in Donzdorf und Bau einer eigenen Lagerhalle
Hier werden hauptsächlich Grobbleche in den Güten:
P265GH, P275NL1, P295GH, P355NL1, P460NL1, 16Mo3, 13CrMo 4-5, 10CrMo 9-10, C45E, C60, 16MnCr5, 42CrMo4, C45E, C60, 16MnCr5, 42CrMo4, S690QL, S960QL, S700MC gelagert.
Außerdem liefern wir von hieraus auch verschleißfeste Bleche HB250 - HB500 und Hartmanganstahl X120Mn12
2013 Bau unserer 2. Halle.
Wir beginnen in diesem Jahr eine mechanische Anarbeitung aufzubauen.
2015 Installation 4-Achs Portalfräsmaschine KMC SHR 318
Anschaffung 2. Drehmaschine Hyundai - WIA 400
Einführung neues ERP System NAVISION Unitop
2016 Neue Möglichkeiten im Tieflochbohren
3. Drehmaschine - Hyundai - WIA 400
Integration eines Tool Management Systems
2017 Erwerb einer neuen Schleifmaschine Weber NLC-2-1100
2018 Einbau einer Zentralabsaugung
Die Luft bleibt rein!
2019 Inbetriebnahme einer 5-Achsen Bettfräsmaschine Zayer Xios 4000
We are a competent partner for all questions concerning steel. Our task is to ensure that our customers can concentrate on their production processes. We take care of the rest – also for you!